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Friday, 16 August 2019

Allow Students who getting Minimum Qualifying marks for RRB JE CBT1

Very Less NUmber of Candidates Qualified

According to the information brochure, for CBT 2, 15 times the number of vacancies candidates were to be selected. Which should be around 9.5 lakh because the total number of vacancies is 64371. However, the Board has only selected 588604 candidates which is very less. RRB also mentioned in the brochure that it may increase or decrease the number of candidates to be called for RRB and after normalization, the lesser number of candidates will appear for second stage.

The highest number of candidates have qualified from Allahabad and it is 83309. Following it is RRB Secunderabad, in which 68796 candidates have qualified and below that is RRB Mumbai where 53074 candidates qualified for RRB ALP Stage 2. On the other hand, the lowest number of qualified candidates are from Thiruvananthapuram, 5093.

The total number of Vacancies in Allahabad is 7482. In Secunderabad and Mumbai it is 5817 and 5754, respectively. Whereas, in Thiruvananthapuram it is only 608. The candidates can check the complete list of number of candidates qualified for RRB, compared with number of vacancies from the table below.

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