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Monday, 8 July 2019




* * * * *
NOTIFICATION No. SUR/P/Engg/Contract/SSE/JE/2019 Date: 19-06-.2019
Opening Date and Time for Online Applications 25/06/2019 at 10:00 Hrs
Closing Date and Time for Online Applications 19/07/2019 at 17:00 Hrs
Closing Date and Time for Payment of Application fee through Demand Draft: 19/07/2019 at 17:00 Hrs
Last Date of Receiving Original DD and Application Printout: 26/07/2019 at 17:00 hrs.
Website address. News & Recruitment Contractual JE Works(Solapur)
01) Junior Engineer (Works)
The engagement will be offered purely on contract basis for a period of one year from the date
of contract, which can be renewed as a fresh contract on year to year basis or till such time
availability of a regularly selected candidate, or up to 19/11/2020 whichever is earlier.
(A) Vacancies: Total vacancies notified are 07 which will be filled from Open Market.
Total Vacancies notified
Percentage of reservation between UR SC, ST & OBC & EWS as per recruitment rules will
be maintained. Communal Break up as fallow
Category No of post sanctioned on
contract up to 19/11/2020

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01 JE/Works

07 05 01 00 01 00 07
Selected candidates will be posted at any station as per the requirement of administration on Solapur
Division { ANG, DD, KWV, SUR, KLBG, PVR, LUR }
02) Educational Qualifications / Professional Qualifications
A) Candidates should possess the required academic/Technical qualification on or before the date of
issuing of Notification for applying against the post notified vide notification as given below.
Category of Post Essential Prescribed Qualification Junior Engineer (Works)/ Level-6
Four years Bachelor’s degree in (a) Civil Engineering or (b) a combination of any sub-stream of
basic streams of Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.
(a) three years Diploma in Civil Engineering or B.Sc in Civil Engineering of three years duration (b) a
combination of any sub-stream of basic streams of Civil Engineering from a recognized University /
NOTE:(1) The candidate must have secured minimum marks in Bachelor’s Degree /diploma for
Junior technical Associates (Works)as mentioned above as given below.
1) General candidates: 60%
2) OBC –Non-Creamy Layer: 55%
3) SC/ST Candidates: 50%

In case the mark sheet of the candidate does not reflect the statement of marks obtained by the
candidates then the candidates should be attached the supporting documents from the college
The/university which issued the mark sheet /degree, clearly mentioning the equivalence of CGA/CPA/
CGPA etc to the aggregate marks (in percentage term) with the application form.
03) Age Limit Category Revised age limit

UR 33
OBC 36
SC/ST 38

B) The candidate must have a minimum One years working experience.
(i) For all candidates except those mentioned in sub-para (ii) below Rs.500/- (Rupees Five
Hundred Only) (NON-REFUNDABLE)
(ii) For candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Women/Minorities*/ EWS Rs.250/- (Rupees Two
Hundred Fifty Only) with a provision for refunding the same to those who are found eligible as
per notification and actually, appear in the Personality/Intelligence Test. If called for. Candidates in
this category should check their eligibility thoroughly before applying. Fee in respect of candidates
who are ineligible, but still apply, shall not be refunded.
1) It is proposed to take payment in the form of Demand Draft (DD) in favor of Sr. DFM/SUR
2) Minorities means, Muslim, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and Zoroastrians (Parses) for
claiming waiver of examination fee. Minority candidates should furnished “self-declaration” as
mention in Annexure-II along with Application Form. Such candidates claiming waiver of examination
the fee will be required to furnish “Minority Community Declaration” affidavit on Non-judicial stamp paper
that he/she belongs to any of the above minority communities.
“If the affidavit in this regard is not submitted along with Application form to get the benefit
of fee waiver, the fee will not be refunded”
3) Economically backward candidates mean that annual family income is less than Rs.50,000/-
.they have to submit income certificate at the time of applying in the prescribed format as given in
annexure -III on the letterhead of the issuing authority
4) EWS: economically weaker section means whose family has an annual income below Rs.8.00 Lakh.
Income shall also include income from all source i.e. salary, agriculture, business profession, etc for
the financial year The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an
income certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format shall only be accepted.
5) DD/Demand draft can be scanned & uploaded along with the ONLINE application form in 200 KB
to 300 KB only.
6) Demand Draft should be in F/O of Sr. DFM/SUR and should be enclosed with the copy of
download the application form and sent to Sr. DFM/SUR, Central Railway, Divisional Railway
Manager’s Office Modikhana, Solapur -413001
7) Details of DD/Demand Draft i.e. Name of Bank, Branch, Number, date of issue, etc should
be correctly mentioned in the online application form.
05) Refund of Fees:- Candidates must provide their Bank Details for a refund of fees if any,
Candidates eligible for a refund of Fees must provide their Bank Details correctly in the ONLINE
application form.
Note: DD must be received along with downloaded application form by DRM(P)SUR office by 17.00
hrs on a date. 26/07/2019.After applying of online application date..DD received along with application
form shall not be entertained after expiring of such period and application will be summarily rejected.

(6) Reservation:
Reservation for Schedule Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes [OBC-NCL
(Non Creamy Layer)] EWS whichever applicable and admissible under extant rules.
Note(I): While all candidates, irrespective of community may be considered against UR vacancies,
those are earmarked for specific communities [SC/ST/OBC-NCL (Non Creamy Layer)], only
candidates belonging to that community/group will be considered. For this purpose SC/ST/OBC-NCL
(Non Creamy Layer) /EWS, candidates should furnish Caste Certificate from competent authorities
as per the prescribed formats [for SC/ST/OBC-NCL (Non Creamy Layer) / EWS candidates] and at
the time of personality/intelligence test when called for.. Further in case of OBC-NCL (Non Creamy
Layer) candidates, the certificates should be issued during last 1 year from the date of Opening of
Notification and specifically es not belong to the Persons/Sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in
column 3 of the Schedule of the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training O.M.
No. 23012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 08.09.93 and its subsequent revision through O.M. No.
26033/332004- Estt. (Res) dated 09.03.2004,,27.05.2013, 13.09.2017 and further revision, if any
received till the opening date of the application.
Note(II): Candidates applying against reserved vacancies [SC/ST/OBC-NCL (Non Creamy
Layer)]/EWS and/or seeking age relaxation must submit requisite caste certificate in the prescribed
format (As per Annexure) from the competent authority (The Certificates, as applicable should be

scanned & uploaded with Application Form), otherwise their claim for reserved status [SC/ST/OBC-
NCL (Non Creamy Layer)]/EWS will not be entertained and the candidature/application of such

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candidates, if fulfilling all the summarily rejected.
Note(III): Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-NCL (Non Creamy Layer), fulfilling required
Educational qualification and Age for UR post can also apply against UR vacancies. Thus he/she
needs not to submit Caste certificate and will not have any claim for Reservation.
NOTE (IV) candidates can apply either for UR Post or for Reserved post.
(A) Qualification 55 marks
(B) Experience 30 marks
(C) Personality/Intelligence 15 marks
100 Marks

Junior Engineer (Works)
(i) Minimum qualification is (a) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering
or B.Sc in Civil Engineering in three years duration. (b) a combination
of any sub stream of basic streams of Civil Engineering from
a recognized University/Institute.
(ii) 50% of overall percentage marks (in all semesters) obtained in diploma/degree
in Civil Engineering. The marks will be calculated as explained
in (I) (ii) above. 50 marks
(iii) 5 marks weightage will be given for higher education in Civil Engineering 5 marks
A) Higher Educational qualification(B.Tech or Equivalent)
B) Higher Educational Qualification(M.Tech or Equivalent)

Total 55 marks

(B) Experience Jr.T A (Works) – (in Civil Engineering only) 30 Marks
(i) Minimum experience should be 01 year in the field of Civil engineering.
The total weight age for experience is 30 marks.
A) Working experience other than Rly 20 Marks
B) Additional marks for working experience in Railways 10 marks
(ii) i) Minimum experience should 01 in experience. In Const/Works/civil Engg. 20 marks
In Govt./Semi Govt/PSU Project 05 Marks
ii) Additional 01 year /2 year experience In Const/Works/civil Engg. In Govt./
Semi Govt/PSU Project 2.5 Marks each year Max. 5 Marks
iii) Those are having CAD/CAM/CATIA/Project Management 10 Marks.
(b) Weightage of additional experience of working in Indian railways Projects 10 marks
(I) 5 marks for One year .experience In Const/Works/civil Engg. In Indian Railways
(II) Additional 01 year /2 year experience In Const/Works/civil Engg. In Indian
Railways 2.5 Marks each year, Maximum 05 Marks
(C) Personality/Intelligence test
(i) 15 marks have been kept for assessing personality/intelligence of 15 marks
such other attitudes as necessary for the post.
Distribution Of Marks will be as under ( 05 Marks Each for A,B,C)
A)Technical knowledge in relevant field (Practical &Theoretical
knowledge of work, quality test, specification, ,codalprovision etc
B) Personality, Initiative & Communication Skill
C) Proficiency in CAD/CAM/CATIA,Project management etc.
Total A+B+C
55+30+15 = 100

8.1 Candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting News &
Recruitment Contractual JE Works engagement.
Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications are available on the website.
8.2 Candidates are required to log on to the website News &
Recruitment Contractual JE Works )engagement for filling ONLINE application for recruitment
against contractual appointment and fill up the personal details/Bio-data etc carefully.
NOTE-I: Candidates should ensure that their name, father’s name, date of birth etc exactly match as
recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate. Any deviation found during Document Verification
will lead to cancellation of candidature and also debarment. In case the candidate has changed
his/her name then Gazette Notification or any other legal document as applicable should be
submitted at the time of Personality test. Such candidates should indicate their changed name in the
ONLINE application. However, other details should match with the HSC/SSC or equivalent
certificate. Date of such change should be prior to the date of submission of application.

NOTE-II: Candidates are advised to indicate their current active mobile number and valid e-mail
ID in the ONLINE application and keep them active during the entire recruitment process. After
sending of ONLINE application candidates shall be shortlisted on the basis of Marks/Merit and shall
be called for Personality test and same will be intimated in the candidates login ID and website also.
8.3 Applicant has to submit only one application against the notification as per his eligibility whereas
submitting more than one application in one category with different particulars like Name/Father’s
name/Community/Photo (face)/educational and or technical qualification etc or with different E-mail
ID/Mobile number are informed that all such applications will be summarily rejected.
8.4 During submission of ONLINE application, a Registration ID & security code will be issued to
each applicant. Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration ID & security code for
further stages of recruitment process/correspondence
NOTE-I To avoid last minutes rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to submit
ONLINE application much before the closing date to avoid possible inability/failure
to log on to the website on account of heavy load on the internet or website
jam during the last few days.
NOTE-II This office does not accept any responsibility for the candidates not being able to
submit their application within the last day on account of aforesaid reasons or
any other reason.
8.5 Candidate need not send any application printouts or certificates or copies to this office by post.
Candidates information shall be sent to their login ID. No separate call letters shall be issued and
information sent is by mode of SMS/Email Candidates are advised to take printout of Email/SMS
which is required to be produced at the time of professional ability Test.
Candidates are required to upload their colour photograph (size 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm, which should not
be older than three months from the date of application in colour, JPG/JPEG format, 100 DPI, size of
the file should be between 50 kb -100 kb with clear front view of the candidate without cap and
sunglasses. Candidates may note that if it is not proper, at any stage; reject the applications for
uploading old/unclear photograph or for any significant variations between photograph uploaded in
the Application Form and the actual physical appearance of the candidate. Candidates are advised
to keep two additional copies of the same photograph ready with them for bringing at the time of
professional ability Test.
Candidates are also required to upload their signature (size 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm, JPG/JPEG format, 100
DPI, size of the file should be between 20 kb-50 kb.
Candidates are required to upload the following documents in 200 kb to 300 kb only.
11.1 Scanned copy of mark sheet of 10th class respectively or equivalent, as the case may be.
11.2 Certificate for proof of date of birth (Standard 10 or its equivalent certificate or mark sheet
indicating date of birth or school leaving certificate indicating date of birth).
11.3 Scanned copy of caste/ category certificates, for SC/ST/OBC/minorities/EWS candidates,
wherever applicable.
11.4 three years Diploma in Civil Engineering or B.Sc in Civil Engineering of three years duration (b)
a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Civil Engineering from a recognized University /

12.1 Candidates to ensure their eligibility before applying: - The candidates should ensure that
they fulfill all eligibility conditions prescribed for the post. Eligibility of the candidates for the post
notified in this notification would be decided on the basis of the information furnished by them in the
ONLINE application. If at any stage, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in
his/her application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the
candidate otherwise does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post, his/her candidature will be
cancelled forthwith.
12.2 Production of original documents of Date of birth, Educational Qualification is mandatory
without which they will not be allowed to appear in the professional ability Test. Certificates in
languages other than English or Hindi should be accompanied by an attested translation in
English/Hindi. Photocopy of all documents should be self-attested. No TA/DA/Accommodation will
be given for appearing in the professional ability Test.. The Railway administration has all rights
reserved to fix any date/place or postpone professional ability Test or cancel due to unforeseen
causes against which no claim will be accepted.
12.3 Selected candidates will have to undergo training wherever training is prescribed for the post.
(13) Remuneration:
Monthly remuneration for technical manpower of Engg (Works) recruited on Contract in Civil
Engineering Department (In Rupees)
Pay Level against
which recruited

“Z” Class “Y” Class “X” Class

JE (Works)

25000/- 27000/- 30000/-

13.1 The number of vacancies indicated in this notification is provisional and may increase or
decrease or even become NIL at a later stage depending upon the actual needs of the Railway
administration. The railway administration also reserves the right to cancel the notified vacancies at
its discretion
and such decision will be final and binding on all. In the event of cancellation of notified vacancies,
the examination fee paid by the candidates will not be refunded.
13..2 Appointment of selected candidates is subject to their passing requisite Medical Fitness Test to
be conducted by the Railway administration, final verification of educational and community
certificate and verification of antecedents/character of the candidates.
13.3 Candidate those who are already in service of PSU/Government Organizations and are eligible
for the above should produce “No Objection Certificate” for the same from their employer.
13.4 Candidate’s admission for the contractual recruitment will be purely Temporary subject to
satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of Call Letter/e-admit card via Email to the
candidates will NOT imply that their candidature has been finally accepted..
13.5 Candidates selected against contractual appointment as Jr.T.A shall be terminated from
service, if the information and documents furnished by him/her for recruitment, are found
incorrect/fake at any stage.
13.6 The decision of selection committee/administration in all matters relating to eligibility,
acceptance or rejection of application etc. will be final and binding on the candidates and no inquiry
or correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
13.7 Candidates who have been debarred for life from any RRB/RRC examinations or candidates
who have been debarred for a specific period which is not yet completed need NOT apply in
response to this notification. Their candidature will be rejected during any stage of professional
ability Test. as and when detected.

13.8 Scanned signature of the candidate, either in English or Hindi, must be in running hand and not
in block/capital or disjointed letter. Signatures in different style or language at the time of
professional ability Test. may result in cancellation of candidature.
13.09 Candidates are required to obtain caste certificates in the proper Proforma from the
appropriate authority and produce the original certificate at the time of verification, failing which
he/she may be disqualified. This is strictly required as per Chapter 13 of the Brochure (published by
Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pensions Department of personnel
Training, New Delhi) on verification of the claims of Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes.
13.10 Xerox copy of Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority, not below the rank of
Tehsildar, in case of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/EWS Candidates. OBC candidates shall also submit
OBC Non-Creamy-Layer Certificate in Central Government format issued on or after
01/04/2018 by the Competent Authority at the time of trial. Certificates should contain Caste, Date
of Issue etc and bear the Seal of the Issuing Authority. Format of caste certificate for SC/ST shall be
as per Annexure-D and for OBC Annexure-E.
14) Grounds for Invalid application
Candidates are requested to read all instructions thoroughly before submitting ONLINE
application; otherwise their applications may get rejected on one or more of the following
14.1 Application without scanned signature/scanned signature in capital letters.
14.2 Application without scanned photograph.
14.3 Application with scanned photo but wearing Sunglasses or with cap or
disfigured/small size or unrecognizable.
14.4 Not possessing the prescribed Educational Qualification for the post on the date
of submission of application.
14.5 Over-aged & under-aged, date of birth not filled or wrongly filled.
14.6 Candidate’s name figuring in the debarred list.
14.7 Multiple applications with varied details for same post.
14.8 Applications without examination fee of Rs. 500/- wherever applicable or less fee.
14.9 Any other form of irregularities found.
14.10 DD not received in due course i.e within 17.00 hrs of 29.07.2019 after uploading
online application will not entertained and candidature will be cancelled.
Other Entitlements/Facilities:
(i) Daily allowance: Candidate engaged on Contract basis shall be paid Daily allowance, when on
tour as admissible, at the rate of Rs. 500/- (0-6 hours – 30%, 6-12 hours – 70% & more than 12
hours -100%). This is similar to the pattern of TA admissible for Railway employees except the rate
of TA.
(ii) Leave entitlement: Candidate engaged on Contract basis shall be permitted off on Sundays and
National Holidays. However, they may be called for duty on any day including Sundays & National
Holidays for which Compensatory Rest shall be given later. In addition, Candidate engaged on
Contract basis shall be granted two days leave for each completed month of engagement in
Railways. The accumulated leave lapses as soon as the contractual period is over and cannot be
carried over to next contract (if any).
16) Duration:
The contract engagement will be for a maximum period of one year or availability of regular selected
candidates or till 19/11/2020, whichever is earlier.

17) Medical Examination:
(I) Candidates will have to undergo medical examination (as applicable for direct recruitment for SSE
/JE(works) category) and will be considered for contract appointment only if they are found medically
fit. Medical fitness will be examined by the nominated Railway hospitals.
(II) The candidates should fulfill the requirements of Medical Standard A-3 as given in Chapter 5 of
Indian Railway Medical Manual Volume-1 accessible at
18) Training:
18.01 The candidates engaged on contract basis, will be given training for a prescribed period
regarding orientation in rules, regulations and practices related to safety, technical and other areas
before they are deputed on work.
18.02 After completion of training/orientation, the suitability/competency of the candidate will be
assessed by a Competent Officer, before deputing him/her for field job. If required, the candidates
engaged on contract basis, need to undergo for another round of Training/s.
1 9 ) General Guidelines:
(i) The above posts are for projects in jurisdiction of Central Railway Civil
Engineering Department for the limited period and are not for the regular establishment of Railway.
No other perks or benefits would be admissible except those mentioned in Notification.
(ii) The engagement on contract basis will not confer to any right to the candidate to claim for regular
Employment/Absorption/Extension in the Railway.
(iii) Applicants working in Govt. /PSU will have to submit NOC at the time of application and they will
have to resign from their organization on their engagement.
(iv) The contract may be terminated by either side by giving one month’s notice. The
performance monitoring of contractual appointees shall be done on regular basis and those who are
unable to discharge the duties or who fail to perform as per expectations of the administration, may
be given 30 days’ not ice and their contract terminated. However, in case of gross
negligence/misconduct/irregularities, the engagement may be terminated with immediate effect.
(20) Important Instructions:
(i) Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria should submit their application form ONLINE given in
notification duly completed in all respects with scanned copies of all necessary enclosures (e.g.
Certificate of Age, Education, Professional Experience, Caste/Community etc.)
(ii) Candidate should write his/her name, father’s name/husband’s name in capital letters as given in
Educational Certificate. Candidate should also indicate other particulars as have been asked in the
ONLINE application form.
(iii) One recent passport size color photograph (4..5 X 3.5 cm), should be scanned with ONLINE
application form without fail.
Note: Photographs: The color photograph of size 4.5 X 3.5 cm (not earlier than three month from the
date of Notification), with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses, should be
scanned on the space provided. Candidates may note that Railway Authority may, at any stage,
reject the applications for uploading old/unclear photograph on the application or for any significant
variations between photograph scanned/uploaded in the Application Form and the actual physical
appearance of the candidate. Candidates are advised to keep two additional copies of the same
photograph ready with them for bringing along with valid Photo ID at the time of personality test.
(iv) Signature of the applicant must be full and in running hand, not in block/capital letter or
disjointed letters. Candidates are required to sign in English or in Hindi in the prescribed places
provided in the ONLINE application form.

(v) Applicant should possess requisite Educational qualification on or before the opening date of
(vi) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/Minorities/Economically Backward Class, /EWS, claiming for
less fee as mentioned in para 5 (ii), must attach self attested photocopy of requisite Caste
Certificate/Minority Certificate or self declaration/ Income Certificate.
(vii) Candidates serving in any Centre/State Government Department
including Railways or Public Sector Undertaking should apply through proper channel or should
apply directly with NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the employer to avoid delay. The last date
of receipt of applications in the office of DRM(P)Solapur will not be extended on account of any
delay in transmitting the application by the office concerned.
(viii) Applications not fulfilling any of the terms and conditions given in this notification shall be
summarily rejected.
(ix) Candidates should be in readiness to appear for the Professional Personality test at short notice
after the Closing date of online application.
(x) The list of candidates shortlisted for Professional Personality test will be intimated on given Login
ID only Call letters will not be issued to the Shortlisted applicants to their correspondence
address for the Professional Personality test.
(xi) Candidates should bring all documents uploaded with application form in Original along with one
set of self attested photo copies on the day of Professional Personality test, without which they will
not be allowed to appear in the Professional Personality test. Certificates in languages other than
English or Hindi should be accompanied by a self-attested translation in English/Hindi.
(xii) Candidate’s admission at all stages of the Professional Personality test. will be purely
provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of Login ID to the
candidate will not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared.
(xiii) Selected candidate will be terminated from work, if the information and documents furnished by
him/her for selection, are found incorrect/fake at any stage; observing requisite procedure for such
termination. An FIR as per appropriate Act may also be registered at the police station in whose
jurisdiction is located at Solapur Division .
(xiv) The decision of Railway Administration/Screening Committee in all matters relating to eligibility,
acceptance or rejection of application, final selection, offer of appointment, suitability for Central
Railway and assigning of Post & Pay will be final and binding on the candidates and no inquiry or
correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
(21) Grounds for Invalid application
. Candidates are requested to read all instructions thoroughly before submitting ONLINE application;
otherwise their applications may get rejected on one or more of the following reasons:
21.1 Application without scanned signature/scanned signature in capital letters.
20.2 Application without scanned photograph.
21.3 Application with scanned photo but wearing Goggles or with cap or disfigured/small size or
21.4 Not possessing the prescribed Educational Qualification for the post on the date of submission
of application.
21.5 Over-aged & under-aged, date of birth not filled or wrongly filled.
21.6 Candidate’s name figuring in the debarred list.
21.7 Multiple applications with varied details for same post.
21.8 Applications without examination fee of Rs. 500/- , wherever applicable or less fee.
21.9 Any other form of irregularities found.
21.10 DD not received in due course i.e within 17.00 hrs of dtd.26-07-2019 after uploading online
application. will not entertained and candidature will be cancelled.

(22) All these selections will be dealt with as per Railway Board’s letter no. 2018/Trans
Cell/S&T/Contractual Staff dated 16.03.2018 and Policy for engagement of technical manpower on
contract basis from open market, for projects over Solapur Division Central Railway dated
19.06.2019, read with modifications issued by the Railway Board from time to time.
(23) Any subsequent changes in the terms and conditions in the Notification as per extant rules will
stand good. SUR/DIV Central Railway on reserves the right to consider/incorporate any subsequent
changes/ modification/additions/cancellation in the terms & conditions to selection under this
Notification as and when applicable.
(24) The date, venue and time of the Professional Personality test will be intimated to the eligible
shortlisted candidates through Registered email/SMS only. General information will be uploaded on
the website ( of CR.
(25) Central Railway SUR/DIV reserves the right to reject the candidature of any applicant at any
stage of the process of selection, if any irregularity/deficiency is noticed in the application.
(26) For any Legal Dispute, the Jurisdiction will be Central Administration Tribunal, Mumbai only.
(27) In the event of any dispute about interpretation or any mistake, the English version will be
treated as final.
(28) Candidates may also log on to News & Recruitment ->
Contractual JE Works engagement for downloading application form. Canvassing in any form
shall disqualify the candidate.

“Important Advisory”

Central Railway SUR/DIV has not appointed any Agents or for action on its behalf. Candidates are
warned not to fall under the lure against any such claims being made by Persons/Agencies.
Canvassing in any form to officers of Railway for ensuring appointment will be liable to be dealt with
The ONLINE application for contractual appointment process is a serious matter for
recruitment in public service. The applicants are expected to take it in all seriousness. Any
attempt by the applicants to manipulate the process by furnishing false information or
mischief by uploading obscene/objectionable photograph or matter shall be dealt severely
and they shall be liable for criminal action, besides other administrative action.

Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer

Annexure ‘D’

The format of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes
candidates applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India.
1. This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kum*
........................................................................................................ Son/Daughter* of Shri /Smt
................................................................................................................ of village /town*
................................................... District/Division* ...................................................... of
state/Union Territory* ..................................... belongs to the .......................... Caste/Tribe * which
is recognized as Scheduled Caste/Schedule Tribe* under: The Constitution (Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes) order , 1950
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) order,
1951 [ as amended by the Schedule Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956,
the Bombay Reorganization Act 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, the State of Himachal
Pradesh Act, 1970, the North Eastern Area (Reorganization) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled
Tribes Order ( Amendment) Act, 1976 ].
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes order, 1956.
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes order, 1959 @ as
amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Caste order, 1962
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes order, 1962@
The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Caste order, 1964@
The Constitution Scheduled Tribes (Uttar Pradesh) order, 1967@
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Caste order , 1968@
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes order , 1968@
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes order, 1970@
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes order, 1978@
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes order, 1978@
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes order, 1989@
The Constitution (SC) orders (Amendment) Act, 1990@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Act, 1991@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Second Amendment) Act, 1991@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1996
%2. Application in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Persons who have migrated from
one State/Union Territory Administration
This certificate is issued on the basis of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe certificate issued to Shri/Smt/*
............................................................. Father/Mother of Shri /Smt./Kum*
...................................................................... of village /town* .............................................
District/Division* ...................................................... of state/Union Territory* .............................. who
belongs to the ........................... Caste/Tribe* which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe in State/Union Territory* issued by the ......................... dated ..............................
%3. Shri/Smt/Kum*............................................. and/ or his/her * family,
ordinarily reside(s) in village/town* ........................ of ...............................District/ Division* of the
State/Union Territory* of .....................................

Signature ..................................
Designation ..............................
(With seal of office)

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

Place ........................
Date ........................

(*) Please delete the words which are not applicable
(@) Please quote specific presidential Order
(%) Delete the Paragraph which is not applicable.
Note: The term* ordinarily resides* used will have the same meaning as in
Section 20 of the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950.
** List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/Tribe certificates:
i. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy

Commissioner/Dy. Collector/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Extra-
Assistant Commissioner/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate.

ii. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
iii. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.
iv. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
Note: ST candidates belonging to Tamilnadu state should submit caste certificate

Annexure ‘E’
The format of the certificate to be produced by OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES (OBC)
applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India.
This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kum*........................................................................................
Son/Daughter* of Shri/Smt ........................................................................................
of village /town* ...................................................... District in......................................................
State belongs to the which is recognized as backward class under
.......................................... : (indicates Sub-caste)
1) Resolution No.12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10th September 1993, published in the Gazette of
India – Extraordinary – part 1 Section 1, No.186 dated 13th September 1993.
2) Resolution No.12011/9/94-BCC dated 19th October 1994, published in the Gazette of India –
Extraordinary – part 1 Section 1, No.163 dated 20th October 1994.
3) Resolution No.12011/7/95-BCC dated 24th May 1995, published in the Gazette of India –
Extraordinary – part 1 Section 1, No.88 dated 25th May 1995.
4) Resolution No.12011/44/96-BCC dated 6th December 1996, published in the Gazette of India –
Extraordinary – part 1 Section 1, No.210 dated 11th December 1996.
5) Resolution No.12011/68/93-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.129 dated
8th July 1997.
6) Resolution No.12011/12/96-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.164 dated
1st Sept. 1997.
7) Resolution No.12011/99/94-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.236 dated
11th Dec 1997.
8) Resolution No.12011/13/97-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.239 dated
3rd Dec.1997.
9) Resolution No.12011/12/96-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.166 dated
3rd Aug.1998.
10) Resolution No.12011/68/93-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.171 dated
6th Aug.1998.
11) Resolution No.12011/68/98-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.241 dated
27th Oct.1999.
12) Resolution No.12011/88/98-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.270 dated
6th Dec.1999.
13) Resolution No.12011/36/99-BCC published in the Gazette of India – Extraordinary No.71 dated
4th April 2000.
Shri/Smt/Kum*............................................................................ and /or his/her *family
ordinarily reside(s) in the ...............................................District of the .......................................
State. This is also to certify that he/she* does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer)
mentioned in column 3 (of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel &
Training OM No.36012/22/93- Estt (SCT) dated 8/9/1993) and modified vide Government of India,
Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 36033/3/2004/Estt.(RES.) dated 09.03.2004.
(*) Please delete the words which are not applicable
District Magistrate / Dy.Commissioner/
(With seal of office)
Place ........................
Date ........................

(*) Please delete the words which are not applicable
a. The term “Ordinarily reside(s)” used will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the
Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950.
b. Where the certificates are issued by Gazetted Officers of the Union Government or State
Governments, they should be in the same form but countersigned by the District Magistrate
or Dy. Commissioner (Certificate issued by Gazetted Officers and attested by District
Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner are not sufficient)
c. The OBC certificate from the authorities only will be accepted:-
1 District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy
Commissioner/Dy. Collector/Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner (not
below the rank of Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate)/ * Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka
Magistrate/Executive Magistrate.
2 Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
3 Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.
4 Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.


Declaration for Minority Community Candidates
It is declared that I,.................................................................................... belong to the
......................... Religion which is Minority Community. Therefore, I seek exemption from the
payment of Examination Fee. I hereby undertake to submit the “Minority Community Declaration’
affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper at the time of verification of the documents, in case I am found

Signature of the Candidate
Date: ________________________________
Place: _______________________________

PER PARA 3 OF THE LETTER No. E (RRB)/2009/25/21 dated 28/10/2009.
Income certificate for the financial year 2018-2019 for waiver of examination fees for
examinations for Economically Backward Classes (E.B.C.).
1. Name of candidate : -________________________________________________
2. Father’s / Husband’s name :-________________________________________________
3. Age :- _______________________________________________
4. Residential Address :- _______________________________________________
(With Pin Code)
5. Annual Family Income :- _______________________________________________
(in figures and in words)
6. Date of issue :- _______________________________________________
7. Signature of Issuing Authority :- _______________________________________________
8. Name of Issuing Authority :- _______________________________________________
9. Stamp of issuing authority :- _______________________________________________

i) Before applying ONLINE, candidates should scan their Photograph (4.5 cm
x3.5cm),signature in Hindi & English In Black color ball point pen/ink.
ii) signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will not be accepted.
Iii)Scanning of documents image file should be JPG format and can be saved in JPG by using
“Save as” option in the file menu,
iv) File size should be 50-KB -100KB
iv) while filling in the ONLINE Application Form the candidates will be provided with link to
upload his/her Photograph, signature and educational documents . Procedure for uploading
the documents.
a) While filling in online Application form the candidates will be provided separate link for
uploading their Photograph (4.5 cm x3.5cm),signature in Hindi & English In Black color ball
point pen/ink.
b) Click on the respective link “ Upload the documents ‘
c) If the file size and format are not as per prescribed an arrow message will be displayed
d) Preview of the uploaded image will help to see the quality of the image ,in case of
unclear/smudged the same may be re-uploaded to the expected clarity/quality
e) After uploading the their Photograph (4.5 cm x3.5cm),signature in Hindi & English In Black
color ball point pen/ink. In the ONLINE application form candidate should check that the
images are clear and have been uploaded correctly.
f) After registering ONLINE candidates are advised to take a printout of their system
generated online application form.
Registration (Step-I)
1) Log In www .............
2) Click ON Line ...............
Step -2
1 please ensure that POP-UP are not blocked in browser setting. on Login Button & enter E-Mail & password
3.After successful logging into the online contractual recruitment portal .the site will display the
current opening & post applied for & option of making payment
Step 3..How to fill up Online application
1.Before filling the Online application form ,please ensure the following
documents kept ready
i) Before applying ONLINE, candidates should scan their Photograph
(4.5 cm x3.5cm),signature in Hindi & English In Black color ball point pen/ink.
ii) signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will not be accepted.
Iii)Scanning of documents image file should be JPG format and can be saved in JPG by using
“Save as” option in the file menu,
iv) File size should be 50-KB -100KB
v) while filling in the ONLINE Application Form the candidates will be provided with link to
upload his/her Photograph, signature and educational documents

Procedure for uploading the documents.
g) While filling in online Application form the candidates will be provided separate link for uploading
their Photograph (4.5 cm x3.5cm),signature in Hindi & English In Black color ballpoint pen/ink.
h) Click on the respective link “ Upload the documents ‘
i) If the file size and format are not as per prescribed an arrow message will be displayed,
j) Preview of the uploaded image will help to see the quality of the image, in case of
unclear/smudged the same may be re-uploaded to the expected clarity/quality,
k) After uploading their Photograph (4.5 cm x3.5cm), signature in Hindi & English In Black color
ballpoint pen/ink. In the ONLINE application, form candidate should check that the images are clear
and have been uploaded correctly.
l) After registering ONLINE candidates are advised to take a printout of their system generated

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