Last Month Strategic Tips for GATE Preparation
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In the last month you need to be very focused on your studies. You need to decide what to revise and what not ,within stipulated time. So, I will share my strategy with you, hope that will help you. Before the last month let us assume that you have completed all the syllabus along with GATE previous year questions thoroughly.
- In initial 8–9 days I revised all the subjects thoroughly. During revision I read only class notebooks for all the subjects. Also I had made short notes for all the subjects, in which I had written formulae, facts and some new points which were totaly new to me while reading. So after reading notebook of perticular subject, I used to read that shortnotes also. Remember that revision is the most important thing to boost your confidence up.
- After revision I had planned for online test series and GATE previous year questions.( Only those questions which I had marked them as hard or little different than general questions). Then I divided next 13–14 days for it. Again I divided subjects group wise, like ( Machine+power system+power electronics) as one group.Making groups of subjects makes study easy as some topics in various subjects are interlinked. . I used to start my day by reading short notes of particular subject and then I used to give all the tests of that subject on the same day( May not be possible all the time). After giving test I used to add points from online tests ,which were new to me in my short notes. If you have not made any short notes even then it's not a problem, you can add those points in your notebook of that subject.
- In last 6–7 days I gave 5–6 mock tests. Apart from that I used to read the shortnotes daily for last 6–7 days.
- Online test series and GATE previous year questions are two most important things for GATE exam. They will improve your accuracy and build up your confidence. It does not matter how much you score in mock or subject wise online tests, it matters a lot that you are improving your speed, accuracy and mistakes! Make maximum mistakes in online test series only and try to learn from those mistakes. In my case,mock scores were not too good. But I kept myself going! GATE is the exam of practice and revision, so try to focus on them.
- On the very last day just before the exam I revised the short notes thoroughly and told myself that tomorrow I will appear for the exam with belief that I'll definitely succedd and without any panic I'll solve each question calmly. If you have worked hard then definitely it's going to be a success!
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Wish you all the best for preparation and examination! Hope my answer will help you to some extent.
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