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Saturday, 12 October 2019

Expected cut of for SSC JE Tier 1 AND POLL YOUR MARKS FOR SSC JE TIER 1

SSC JE Result 2018-19: The Staff Selection Commission has conducted the SSC Junior Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contract) Examination (Paper-I) 2018-19 from 23rd September 2019 to 27th September 2019. Now, all candidates who have appeared in the SSC JE 2018-19 Tier-I exam are waiting for the result and cut off of SSC JE 2019 Tier-1 exam. SSC will release SSC JE 2019 Tier-I Answer key first followed by its result and cut-off.

How to check SSC JE Result Tier-I 2019?

Follow the below mentioned steps to check SSC Junior Engineers (JE) Tier-I Result 2019:

Step 1: Click on the link provided above to check the SSC JE Result for 2018-19 Tier-I Exam.

Step 2: Now Download the PDF file and Save PDF.

Step 3: SSC JE Tier-I Result (PDF File) will be displayed on the screen.

Step 4: Open the file. The list of qualified candidates will be shown. Now, press “Ctrl+F” and enter your Name/ Roll No.

Step 5: If your Name and Roll No. are there in the list, you have qualified in SSC JE Tier-II exam.

SSC JE 2019 Exam Pattern

SSC JE 2019 Exam will be conducted in two phases. Paper 1 will be of 200 marks and paper 2 will be of 300 marks. Both paper 1 and paper 2 are Multiple Choice Questions. 0.25 marks will be deducted for every question attempted wrong by a candidate in both the papers.According to the recent Exam Pattern, candidates appearing for the post of JE (civil), JE (quantity surveying & contract) should attempt Part A (civil & structural) of paper I & II.

On the other hand,candidates appearing for JE (electrical) need to attempt Part B (electrical) & the candidates appearing for JE (mechanical) need to attempt Part C (mechanical) of Paper I & II.

PaperSections AskedMaximum MarksDuration
Paper - IGeneral Awareness502 Hours
General Intelligence and Reasoning50
Part A- General Engineering (civil & structural)100
Part B- General Engineering (electrical)
Part C- General Engineering (mechanical)
Paper - IIPart A- General Eng. (civil & structural)3002 Hours
Part B- General Eng. (electrical)
Part C- General Eng. (mechanical)

SSC JE Cut off 2016-17 (Tier-I)

Civil EngineeringElectrical/ Mechanical Engineering

SSC JE Expected Cut off 2019 (Tier-1)

Civil EngineeringElectrical/ Mechanical Engineering

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UP NRHM Recruitment 2019 – 1425 Vacancies Released for Multiple Posts!

RRB JE CBT2 Expected Cut off and Poll    


UPPCL Previous Year Question Bank Free Pdf Download

Thursday, 10 October 2019

UP NRHM Recruitment 2019 - 1425 Vacancies Released for Multiple Posts!

National Health Mission (NHM) is looking for eligible candidates for Uttar Pradesh location. UP NHRM Recruitment will fill a total of 1425 vacancies to work on Contractual Basis. NRHM is an initiative for under-privileged Indian citizens to provide them medical facilities and uplift their health. Read further to know the details regarding UP NRHM Recruitment 2019 including such Vacancies, Salary, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, & much more.

UP NRHM Recruitment 2019 Important Dates

Check here the important dates for NRHM exam 2019 which is to be conducted for Uttar Pradesh location.

Important EventsImportant Dates
Start Date of Online Application10th October 2019
Last Date of Online Application30th October 2019
Exam Date

NRHM Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

Name of Post

VacanciesName of Post


Block Account Manager86Accountant5
Nutritionist/Feeding Demonstrator6Counsellor – DRTB Center3
Dental Surgeon19District PMDT/ TB HIV Coordinator6
AYUSH – MO46District PPM (Public Private Mix) Coordinator8
AYUSH MO Yoga Specialist2District Program Coordinator5
Case Registry Assistant58DRTB Center – Statistical Assistant2
Clinical Psychologist32Sputum Microscopist (SM)/Lab Technician10
Community Level Psychologist300STLS -Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor16
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer61STS-Senior Treatment Supervisor90
Psychiatric Social Worker30Tuberculosis Health Visitor TBHV28
EYE Donation Counsellor1X-Ray Technician12
Ophthalmic Assistant1MO AYUSH (Female) RBSK142
Finance-cum Logistic Consultant26MO AYUSH (Male) RBSK51
Physiotherapist (NCD-NPCDCS)20Paramedics Pharmacist85
Physiotherapist (NCD-NPHCE)14Audiologist2
Rehabilitation Worker29Dental Technician2
Psychologist/ Counsellor35Early Interventionist – SPL Educator2
Social Worker34Medical Officer Dental2
District Data Manager5Optometrist2
Physiotherapist (NP -NLEP)5Physiotherapist2
Psychologist2District Consultant35
Social Worker (RBSK/DEIC)2District Community Process Manager3
AFHS Counsellor49District Account Manager5
DEIC Manager10District Data Cum Account Assistant4
M&E Assistant at Division Level3Program Assistant1
Data cum Account Assistant15General Manager1
Urban Health Coordinator6Deputy General Manager1
Data Accountant cum DEO2Deputy General Manager1

UP NRHM Recruitment Eligibility Criteria

A. Age Limit

Minimum Age – Not Specified
Maximum Age – The maximum age is given in the table for various posts.


Maximum Age

Dental Surgeon/AYUSH-MO/Dental-MO/District Consultant62 Years
Clinical Psychologist/Monitoring & Evaluation Officer/Psychiatric Social Worker/DEIC Manager/District Community Process Manager/ District Account Manager/ District Cum Asst45 Years

General Manager/Deputy General Manager50 Years
Rest All Posts40 Years

B. Educational Qualification


Educational Qualification-

Block Accountant ManagerCandidates having B.Com Degree with Computer Knowledge with relevant field Experience will be eligible for this post.
NutritionistCandidates having bachelor’s degree in Home Science / One Year Diploma in Nutrition with relevant field Experience will be eligible for this post.
Dental SurgeonCandidates having BDS Degree along with having registered under Dental Medical Council with relevant field Experience will be eligible for this post
MOCandidates having B.A.M.S / BUMS / BHMS Degree /equivalent from any recognized institute / college included in the first schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 with relevant field Experience will be eligible for this post.

NRHM Recruitment Exam Pattern and Selection Process

Mode of Selection for UP NRHM Various Posts Recruitment 2019 will be based on-:

  1. Written Examination

  2. Interview

How to Apply for UP NRHM Recruitment 2019

UP NRHM Recruitment – Direct Link

  1. Click on the “Direct Link to Apply for NRHM Recruitment” given above.

  2. Select the name of the post you want to apply for, carefully.

  3. Fill your Personal and Educational details.

  4. Upload your scanned Photograph & Signature.

  5. Submit the Application Form and take its print out for future reference.

  6. Once you submit the form, you will be directed to the Payment Portal.

  7. Pay the requisite Application Fee through Net Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card.

  8. Alternatively, you can also apply from the NRHM’s Official Website.

  9. Follow step 2 to 7 carefully.

Note: If you want to apply for multiple posts, you will have to apply for each post separately.

UP NRHM Recruitment 2019 Application Fee

For All Categories there is no Application Fee

NRHM Recruitment Salary & Pay Scale

Pay Scale- Rs. 50,000/- ( Pay Scale will vary post wise )

National Health Mission Recruitment – Official Notification

Download Official UP NRHM Recruitment Notification – Click Here!

Hope the information provided for UP NHRM Recruitment 2019 was helpful for the candidates applying for this exam.

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Tuesday, 8 October 2019


In 2015 after interview cutoffs were released . No cutoffs of shortlisted candidates for interview were released. Also it was not mentioned in the advertisement for how much marks interview is being conducted? Final cutoff including interview marks was

139.25 for general

127.5 obc

109 for sc

91 for st.

Total Exam Mark is: 200 Marks

Interview Marks: 20Marks

In 2016 after interview cutoffs were released . No cutoffs of shortlisted candidates for interview were released. Also it was not mentioned in the advertisement for how much marks interview is being conducted? Final cutoff including interview marks was

149.50 for general

139 obc

124 for sc

100.33 for st.

Total Exam Mark is: 200 Marks

Interview Marks: 20Marks

In 2017 after interview cutoffs were released . No cutoffs of shortlisted candidates for interview were released. Also it was not mentioned in the advertisement for how much marks interview is being conducted? Final cutoff including interview marks was

154.92 for general

146.42 obc

129.25 for sc

106.67 for st.

Total Exam Mark is: 200 Marks

Interview Marks: 20Marks

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL) Assistant Engineers (AE) 2018 Exam Conducted By IIT Kanpur

6 sections 100 Questions 130 Marks

50 Technical – 1 mark
25 Technical Engg Maths is also in this section (matrices ) – 2 marks
5 Hindi – 1 mark
5 Reasoning – 2 marks
5 Reasoning – 1 mark
10 GS – 1 mark'

Interview Marks: 20Marks


Gen: 127 Marks

obc : 115.25Marks

sc: 95Marks

st: 80Marks

Click Below for UPPCL AE Handwritten Notes :



RRB JE CBT2 Expected Cut off and Poll

There are 13,487 seats all over India which will be filled in this 2018-19 batch.

As we all know RRB has selected ‘X 15’ candidates of available vacancy from 1st round (CBT 1).

Its very difficult to predict the cutoff when there is Normalization statistics on final marks


However it is very clear that you must be top one among 15 candidates to clear the exam and get selected for next round i.e., D.V.(Document Verification).

For those who have been studying from long time are benefited, because RRB has not given sufficient time after announcing the results. Candidates who started late may have not covered such bulky syllabus(though basics). So hope the normalized marks will bounce higher.

The cutoff depends on:
1. Zone and zonal vacancy
2. Other shifts difficulty level
3. Your shift candidates performance
4. And of course your performance ;)

To get higher bounce after normalization:
1. Your marks should be high.
2. Your shift candidates marks should be low as much as possible.

3. Other shift’s difficulty level should be low than yours.

Trust me, this time almost all shifts had questions bit tricky. People who comment ‘attempted 110, 120, 130’ are just telling what they have marked. Because everybody will have that mindset to attempt at least 120 out of 150. Nobody knows what will be their Raw score after subtracting negative marks. Accuracy matters here, not luck.

After observing CBT 1 results, I can assure that 50 to 60% of candidates are Non tech Puntters (Legends). But their strength was limited to 50 marks. And unfortunately non tech was not that easy this time. So your true competition is among 40% to 30% who really worked hard on both non tech and technical subjects.

Based on comments and reviews of exam appeared candidates after going through several social media, we can expect marks as shown below to be at safer side.This marks approximately holds true for all branches and all shifts.

General: 100±5

OBC: 95±5

SC: 85±5

ST: 80±5

These are Raw marks (Before Normalization)

Addition marks after Normalization:

Easy to moderate: 5 to 8 marks

Moderate: 7 to 10 marks

Moderate to tough: 8 to 12 marks

Anyway exams are done now, it will take some time for board to come back with something (see below update). Until then forget that you have given exam, focus on next hunt. Else this may kill your precious time. I know you will search for videos, posts until you see some cutoff of your level. The comfort that you are trying to seek it temporary. Anything can happen, don't loose hope or be too confident on this. Never decide anything whose base is built on expectation. Just say yourself, “I have done my job, now its not in my court", and move on for next chase…

Poll your marks here below(Please refresh if poll doesn't load):

[socialpoll id="2574280"]

Saturday, 5 October 2019

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